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111: Sixteen Most Significant Events in US History between 1789 to 1975
... most significant events of the Cold War period. For several days, the United States appeared to be on the verge of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. In 1962, Cuba was convinced that the United States was planning an attack and asked the Soviets for additional military aid. The Soviet Union responded with missiles and materials for construction of launch sites. The United States Intelligence Agency advised President Kennedy of this nuclear missile build-up in Cuba. The president demanded that Khrushchev remove the missiles immediately, which Kennedy viewed as a violation of the American sphere of influence. On October 22nd, Kennedy announced his course of action which included establishing a naval blockade to prevent further shipment of supplies, a demand that the bases be dismantled, and a warning that any attack from Cuba would be regarded as an attack by the Soviet Union, requiring retaliation from the United States. The con ct rose in suspense until finally the Soviet ships were directed ...
112: Manuel Noriega
... The United States creating the Cold War. What importance does this have to Noriega and Panama? On January 1, 1959 Fidel Castro led a successful coup against the government in Cuba which at the time was controlled by Fulgencio Batista. By Castro taking control of the Cuban government, he placed communism within a close range of America. This was important because ... domino effect throughout Central America, and third world countries further extending the arm of Communism and the reach of the Soviet Union. During the same time Castro took control of Cuba, Noriega was in the Peruvian military school. America fearing that these third world military schools would be a breeding ground for future communist leaders, implanted many agents to keep watch ... One by one the Central American states would fall until the entire area was under the control of Marxist-Leninist regimes backed by the Soviet Union and its Caribbean Proxy, Cuba. (Johnson pg.253) America could not stand for this domino affect to happen and hence Noriega was once again called upon to help. Noriega at this time had seized ...
113: A Comparison On The Iranian An
... everything that occurred in Iran, a small island in the Caribbean was having problems of it s own. That island was Puerto Rico. The US had been eyeing Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Hawaii because the Spanish empire was beginning to decline . The position Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Hawaii were in made them prime strategic points. On July 25, 1898, The US invaded Puerto Rico under the pretext of protecting it. The Treaty of Paris was imposed on the Puerto Rican people. It stated that Spain would secede Puerto Rico and Cuba to the USA. Also, the USA would get all the political, military, and civic power. As soon as the US got a hold of Puerto Rico, the Americanization of ...
114: Santiago Is Hemingway (old Man
... that the desires, the mentality, and the lifestyle of the old man are identical to Hemingway's. Santiago is an old fisherman who lives in a small coast town in Cuba. At the time that Hemingway wrote the story, he was also an elderly gentlemen and was such an avid fisherman throughout his life, that books such as "Ernest Hemingway, The Angler As Artist." were written on the sole subject of how this obsession influenced Hemingway's writing. Furthermore, he fished off the coast of Cuba so much that he decided to "buy the 'Finca Vigia' in Cuba, a substantial estate located about fifteen miles from downtown Havana . . ." For entertainment Santiago would "read the baseball." Meanhile Hemingway often "relied on baseball analogies" in his writing, suggesting that ...
115: John F. Kennedy
... then 115,000 popular votes. For Kennedy the most important part of his presidency came on October 16, 1960 when he found out about the Russian missiles being moved into Cuba. Some of the missiles that they were moving in were, MRBMs, which are medium range ballistic missiles, and IRBMs which are intermediate range missiles. The Executive Committee, A group of advisers to the president, then asked why Khrushchev put the missiles in Cuba. He said that it was because of the Jupiter Missiles that had been placed in Turkey earlier that year. Because of the Military build up in Cuba, the US put the government into DEFCON 1, the highest placing in peace time. Kennedy had many choices to make and wanted it to end without war. After much ...
116: Old Man And The Sea - Santiago Is Hemingway
... that the desires, the mentality, and the lifestyle of the old man are identical to Hemingway's. Santiago is an old fisherman who lives in a small coast town in Cuba. At the time that Hemingway wrote the story, he was also an elderly gentlemen and was such an avid fisherman throughout his life, that books such as "Ernest Hemingway, The Angler As Artist." were written on the sole subject of how this obsession influenced Hemingway's writing. Furthermore, he fished off the coast of Cuba so much that he decided to "buy the 'Finca Vigia' in Cuba, a substantial estate located about fifteen miles from downtown Havana . . ." For entertainment Santiago would "read the baseball." Meanhile Hemingway often "relied on baseball analogies" in his writing, suggesting that ...
117: Ernesto Guevara De Serna
... The war games at the farm attracted police attention, and all the Cubans and Che were arrested. However, they were released a month later (June 1956). When the guerillas invaded Cuba, Che went with them, first as doctor, and soon later as a Commandant of the revolutionary army. He was the most aggressive, clever, and successful of the guerrilla officers, and ... cruelty in the mass execution of recalcitrant supporters of the defeated president Batista. At the triumph of the Revolution, Guevara became second to Fidel Castro in the new government of Cuba, and the man was chiefly responsible for pushing Castro towards communism. It was a communism that was independent of the orthodox, Moscow-style communism of some of their colleagues. In 1959, he married Aledia March and together they visited Egypt, India, Japan, Indonesia, Pakistan and Yugoslavia. Back in Cuba, as Minister for Industry (February 1960) he signed a trade pact with the USSR which freed the Cuban sugar industry from dependence on the teeth of the U.S. ...
118: The Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt
... war with Spain, and after the American ship Maine blew up in Havana, killing 266 soldiers, Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt called for war with Spain to free Cuba. The subsequent defeat of the Spanish in 100 days and the capture of the Philippines demonstrates the expansionist nature of the United States increasing. During the election of 1900, Bryan ... capacity of Governor of New York. He had already fought in a war and been Assistant Secretary of the Navy, where he helped to orchestrate the United States' roles in Cuba and Panama. Roosevelt's expansionist views were here seen. As governor, he continued to defy the old political tactics, including bossism. Platt, the political boss of New York, had gotten ... passed, preventing the manufacture of harmful foods and requiring inspection of meat facilities. A unique aspect of Roosevelt's presidency was his foreign policy. Although McKinley had been involved in Cuba and the Philippines, he had never expressed a wish to dominate as a world power. Roosevelt had, indeed, operated a large part of the United States' aggressive role towards ...
119: Cubans
... influences from its Black community, and many of these influences have been given pride of place by the socialist government in fulfillment of its aim to equalize the citizenry of Cuba. In short, Cubans can’t, and should not, be thought of as another group of undifferentiated Hispanics. There are differences within any national Hispanic group and significant differences between any ... their economic situation. They may be living in poor areas, going to poorer schools, and at the same time being bombarded by advertising and an unbelievable array of consumer goods. Cuba is traditionally a Catholic country, but its Catholicism is much modified and influenced. A much stronger religious force is Santeria. Santeria developed out of the traditions of the Yoruba, one of the African peoples who were imported to Cuba during the 16th through 19th centuries to work on the sugar plantations. Santeria blends elements of Christianity and West African beliefs and as such made it possible for the ...
120: The Nuclear Arms Race
... countries were signed, agreeing on the limitation and testing of nuclear arms. It is also illustrated in the Cuban Missile Crisis, where Russia agreed to withdraw the missiles placed in Cuba, fearing U.S. retaliation. In order to better understand the Arms Race, a brief history must be given. The Arms Race probably began in August of 1949, when Russia detonated ... when the Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile was developed in the summer of 1957, again by the Soviets. A serious crisis arose in 1962, when the Soviets placed ballistic missiles in Cuba, their new ally. The missiles were withdrawn when the U.S. threatened nuclear retaliation. In return, President Kennedy's promised not to invade Cuba. The world had never come closer to a nuclear war. Negotiations, beginning with the establishment of the International Atomic Energy Agency in 1957, began between the two countries. As ...

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