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131: The Importance of Literature vs. Science
... continue to let them complement each other. There is a time for hard facts and evidence, and there is a time for poems and soliloquies. There is a time for Einstein and Pasteur as there is a time for Shakespeare and Tolkien. Human beings are a composite of their primal emotions, and their need for structure and organization. Thus, without one ...
132: Riches, Knowledge, and Power....
... have power. Choosing knowledge over the others is also better because being wise and not making bad choices in life etc... would change your life in good direction. Like Albert Einstein if you had lots of knowledge you could think of things and figure out things nobody else could. Also I would choose knowledge because being smarter in figuring things out ...
133: Creative Writing: My Grandfather
... His favorite experience is opening a new computer box. He believes that people get along by being tolerant. He said the greatest people of this century are F. D. R., Einstein and Gandhi. The greatest people of earlier centuries are Plato, Aristotle, Christ, Buddha and Newton. The most significant technologies are rocket science and space travel. The worst invention this century ...
134: The Disproof (and proof) of Everything
... be perfect. Also, flaws in them become more apparent as you approach the speed of light, and they're only reasonably correct up to about 80% the speed of light. Einstein was even closer. His theories on relativity are very precise, and they work well, but they are still probably flawed at some point. Chaos theory may be even closer, but ...
135: Computers: Productive Tools In Our Lives
... Then they assemble to form a byte. Bytes make up a program, which you run to use the computer's various applications. Now that you know more about computers than Einstein did, let me tell you something more about them, so that you will beat the President in the field of computing. In your computer, you require a good amount of ...
136: Lasers
... being packed in a transistor like package. The dye laser are very good for their broad, continuously variable wavelength capabilities. The theory of stimulated emission was first proved by Albert Einstein in 1916, then population inverse was discussed by V. A. Fabrikant in 1940. This led to the building of the first ammonia maser in 1954 by J. P. Gordon, H ...
137: Analysis of the Red Scare
... to whether America will always remember this episode of the early 1920's, or will she simply forget it and make the same mistakes over and over again. Perhaps Albert Einstein said it most eloquently in an interview on December 30, 1930... "I never think of the future, It comes soon enough."
138: The Immigration Experience
... revolution. This caused a flood of immigrants into the United States. Most of America's famous people are descended from immigrants if they are not immigrants themselves. People, like Albert Einstein, a famous physicist, and Henry Kissinger, who was Secretary of State, and helped to open up negotiations with China, were Jewish immigrants. People like Bob Hope, who was born in ...
139: The End of the 20th Century
... half of the 20th century saw both WWI AND WWII. Unforgettable names like George Washington, Beethoven, Mozart, Thomas Edison, Christopher Columbus, Martin Luther King Jr., Shakespeare, Hitler, Joan of Arc, Einstein, Napoleon, The Kennedy’s, and da Vinci all led there lives during this millennium. So as we cap off such a memorial millenium, we will also see what is to ...
... look at black holes and the collapsing of stars, were a professor, Robert Oppenheimer and his student Hartland Snyder, in the early nineteen hundreds. They concluded on the basis of Einstein's theory of relativity that if the speed of light was the utmost speed over any massive object, then nothing could escape a black hole once in it's clutches ...

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