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111: Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Lincoln, Abraham (1809-65), 16th president of the United States (1861-65), who steered the Union to victory in the American Civil War and abolished slavery. Early Life Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, near Hodgenville, Kentucky, the son of Nancy Hanks and Thomas Lincoln, pioneer farmers. At the age of two he was taken ... the marriage seems to have been reasonably successful. The Lincolns had four children, only one of whom reached adulthood. His birth in a slave state notwithstanding, Lincoln had long opposed slavery. In the legislature he voted against resolutions favorable to the "peculiar institution" and in 1837 was one of two members who signed a protest against it. Elected to Congress in ... Douglas's Kansas-Nebraska Act, he became politically active again. Clearly setting forth his opposition to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, he argued that the measure was wrong because slavery was wrong and that Congress should keep the territories free for actual settlers (as opposed to those who traveled there mainly to vote for or against slavery). The following ...
112: Capitalism: The Cause Of Slave
... of too much work not enough workers, but they had a very big material interest. The use of slave labor, was a coerced, cash-crop system of labor from which slavery became an economic necessity because for a person who owned land they needed workers, and these workers were predominantly Negro slaves brought in sold from Africa. To southern colonists, slavery was first an economic institution solely for the purpose of solving an economic problem, that problem - work cost too much money so the colonists implemented forced labor for economic gain. So slavery provided the basis for a special Southern economic and social life which had continued on until the Civil war. The special economic life which the people of the South ...
113: Causes of the Civil War
Causes of the Civil War Although some historians feel that the Civil War was a result of political blunders and that the issue of slavery did not cause the conflict, they ignore the two main causes. The expansion of slavery, and its entrance into the political scene. The North didn't care about slavery as long as it stayed in the South. South Carolina seceded, because Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, was voted into office. The Republican party threatened the South's expansion and ...
114: Causes Of The Civil War
Although some historians feel that the Civil War was a result of political blunders and that the issue of slavery did not cause the conflict, they ignore the two main causes. The expansion of slavery, and its entrance into the political scene. The North didn't care about slavery as long as it stayed in the South. South Carolina seceded, because Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, was voted into office. The Republican party threatened the South's expansion and ...
115: A Speech Given By Frederick Do
FREDERICK DOUGLASS S POWERS OF APPEAL After his escape from slavery, Frederick Douglass chose to promote the abolition of slavery by speaking about the actions and effects that result from that institution. In an excerpt from a July 5, 1852 speech at Rochester, New York, Douglass asks the question: What ... is so important because the majority of his audience is Christian, and he implies that Christianity, in its ostensible purity, allows the mishandling of human life to the degree of slavery. By relating Christianity directly to slavery, his listeners must question the validity of their Christian doctrines in relation to the institution of slavery. In doing so, they must eliminate ...
116: The Injustice of Slavery
The Injustice of Slavery Slaves were people who were taken from their home land in Africa and brought to America, to serve as servants on farms, doing household chores, etc. Slaves were used from ... as white people. Thanks to many people like Martin Luther King Jr. this is non- existent today. To conclude my report, I would like to say how bad I think slavery actually was. To just take these people from their homelands and take them to a place where they would be mistreated, beaten, and even killed, is just totally un-ethical ...
117: Frederick Douglass
By: Keeper Towns rederick Douglass was one of the most influential men of the anti-slavery movement. He stood up for what he believed in, fought hard to get where he got and never let someone tell him he could not do something. Frederick Douglass made ... Douglass saw William Lloyd Garrison, for the first time. A few days later Douglass spoke before a crowd attending the annual meeting of the Massachusetts branch of the American Anti-Slavery Society. Garrison saw Douglass's and thought he could be a speaker, so he hired him as agent for the society. His job was to talk about his life and to sell subscriptions to the Liberator and the Anti-Slavery Standard. "The paper became my meat and drink," Douglass said, For the next ten years Douglass was associated with Garrison and the antislavery movement. For three months in 1851, ...
118: Uncle Tom; A Synopsis
... in God, Uncle Tom would cease to be such a Christ-like figure. The first method in which Uncle Tom’s faith allows him to cope with the hardships of slavery is socially. One must understand that Uncle Tom is constantly paralleled to Christ during the course of events in the novel. Tom is the social leader of the slaves on ... of the time, Tom uses his social gifts to be a light to those he comes in contact with. Uncle Tom also experienced emotional trauma due to the afflictions of slavery as well as social trauma. The reader learns that without his faith, Tom would not have acted in a Christ-like fashion. The point in the novel in which Uncle Tom is to be sold to Mr. Haley portrays how Tom’s faith enables him to endure the emotional aspect of slavery’s hardships. “No, no, - I an’t going. Let Eliza go, - it’s her right! I wouldn’t be the one to say no, - ‘tan’t in natur for ...
119: Jacob Stroyer
The Life of Jacob Stroyer Slave narratives are the personal accounts by black slaves as well as exslaves about their experiences of slavery and the struggles to obtain freedom. The slave narratives offer chronological incidents into an individual's experiences and they provide the audience with an understanding into the writer's mind and the structure of the slave society. Exslaves, like Frederick Douglass, wrote narratives to try to persuade his readers about the injustices and immorals of slavery and also attempted to eventually abolish the institution of slavery. Other slaves wrote narratives to earn money to buy relatives out of slavery, to support themselves in their old age, and to financially support the causes of abolition. Jacob ...
120: Slavery - Slave Resistance
... slaves still managed to fight back. In 1800, the first major slave rebellion was conceived. Gabriel Prosser was a 24 year old slave who was deeply religious. He felt that slavery was morally wrong and chose to fight against it. During the spring and summer of 1800, he began carefully creating a plan, in which he would invade Richmond, Virginia. From ... blow to them. On October 2, 1800, a "prophet" was born. Nat Turner was the only rebel who’s fight against slave owners was successful. He was brought up despising slavery. In fact, his mother attempted to kill him when he was a baby in order to save him from the life of a slave. Nat Turner was another greatly devout ...

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